Pondtec Ltd have built a reputation up over the years on good old-fashioned down to earth values. By treating customers how we would want treated yourself. We have been in the aquatic industry for over 42 years and there is nothing that we have not came across or fixed during this time. It is of our opinion that a business is only as good as its afters-sales service and we pride ourselves in ours. It’s a family run business and we are very passionate about all we do and service we offer to help all our customers. By getting the right advice and equipment first which in the long run saves you money. There is so much conflicting information out there which frustrates us and it is very confusing. This why we started all those years ago. Pondtec has experienced staff throughout the UK to help you every step of the way. We have overwhelming enquiries day by day from people that have had the " so called pond experts” to fix the issue/s and in most occasions have made the issue worse, or given up because they don’t know how to fix it. Then the customer calls Pondtec to come to the rescue.